
The Produce Cart can’t sustain itself without the help from supporting members in the community. Take a look at our sponsorship packages.

Our Sponsors

  • Sisters of St. Joseph of Baden

    The Sisters of St Joseph are a Catholic congregation of vowed women who are dedicated to loving and serving God and neighbor. Rooted in prayer, community living and the Gospel, they commit themselves to the mission of unity and reconciliation, nonviolence and peacemaking through their presence, their prayers and their service. They live and work to be in union with God, with Earth, with one another, with the Church and with all whom they meet.

  • BHS Food Institute

    Are you coping with a medical condition and have difficulty accessing or affording healthy food? The Food Institute can Help! The BHS Food Institute is the first of its kind in the Butler region. The Food Institute was established to give everyone a way to stay healthy by learning about and eating healthier foods.

    The Food Institute specializes in healthy eating for the whole family, meal planning and preparing healthy recipes on a budget. During each monthly appointment ingredients and cooking instructions for 10 meals will be provided. Participants will also be linked to additional services to manage chronic disease through lifestyle coaching and community resources to improve overall health.

  • Greater Pittsburgh Food Bank

    Food is a basic human need, yet every day thousands of our neighbors struggle to have enough food on their plates.

    At Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank, we work to ensure that anyone who needs a healthy meal can get one.

    Whether you need help or you can give help, by joining our network you can help us ensure that all of our neighbors have enough food for today, tomorrow and a lifetime.

  • The Food Trust

    The Food Trust works with neighborhoods, institutions, retailers, farmers, and policymakers across the country to ensure delicious, nutritious food for all. Backed by three decades of research and evaluation, our holistic community-centered approach to nutrition security weaves together three core programming elements — access, affordability and education — as well as a focus on advocating for public policy solutions.

  • PA Department of Community and Economic Development

    The Project was financed [in part] by a grant from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, The Food Trust.